Tip #2: It is okay to be human

These are unexpected and evolving times. Sometimes, even everything was business as usual, we would still have off-days. In situations like the ones we're living through right now, many things seem to be happening at the same time. It is easy to feel overwhelmed.

What can you do?

  • First, accept that it is okay to feel that way - it is part of our human existence. If you have a support network, reach out to them. Granted, you may not be able to speak to them in person, but it is okay to reach out digitally.
  • FaceTime or digitally hangout with your friends or family, reach out to your therapist for counselling, if you had music group buddies, reach out to them and see if you can have virtual "jam" sessions.
  • If you are a Dalhousie student, Dalhousie Student Health services is offering digital appointments. Please be sure to use these services: https://www.dal.ca/campus_life/health-and-wellness/services-support/student-health-and-wellness/make-an-appointment.html
  • Now, more than ever, it is important to have these human connections, even if much of these connections would be digital.
  • If you need help, please reach out. Remember, if you do not reach out, no one will know that you need help.

If you have an off-day, go easy on yourself. It is okay; this is all part of being human.

As course instructors, we are not immune to these issues either, nor do we have everything figured out for a situation like this. We are also trying to connect with these human networks that we value and trying to get through these days one day at a time.

I share this with you because I truly believe that we are all in this together. And because I believe in you, you got this! :)

Take care, and may the Force be with you!


Tip #3: Small Victories


Tip #1: Create and stick to a schedule